Common to module one, cp112 this week had their mock examinations ahead of the real exams (which I will unfortunately be sitting one week tomorrow), so we had the opportunity to once again discover where there were gaps in our knowledge, as well as the hideous feeling of time pressure that only exams can create! Most of the course did pretty well and i've come out with a good average so it's a relief to know my brain is retaining knowledge, but I still have some areas that need work. Accordingly, I've spent the last few days going into Nursling for study and as much as I hate sitting there for 8-10 hours at a time, I can honestly say it's working! So next week my blog will mostly consist of me describing how much i'm cacking my pants before my first exam, and how adult nappies aren't a bad warned!
This week I had some interesting (but as yet unconfirmed) news concerning my course, specifically the length of time I will be in New Zealand. easyJet requested that the MPL students got some time flying in the UK (so I will get to zoom about in the twin star!), and this was mostly due to the specifics of the course being slightly different. Whereas the wings students get time in Bournemouth to get acclimatised to the busier, faster-paced radio activity in the UK, MPL students would get very limited practice and may be a little overcome on their first day at Gatwick when the controller is firing instructions like a machine gun. However, given we need to work through all of the Airbus stuff prior to March as well as spend a few weeks in Bournemouth, the only way we can achieve this is by spending a month less in Hamilton, which means our flying schedule is going to be a lot busier to say the least! But then more time at the airport means less opportunity to spend money doing silly things, money which is rapidly running out!!
So thats it from me, another week of revision to keep me occupied and another week closer to getting back flying. yippeeeeeee!!