After the absolute ecstasy of successfully completing my LST, I was given a (well deserved) two weeks off to relax whilst waiting for my induction. some of my collegues found themselves with onbly a few days before their induction, but as I picked Gatwick as my base my start date was the 23rd. And it's a good job, as I found I actually had plenty to get on with.
For starters Alice and I managed to sort ourselves a flat on the outskirts of Crawley, which was nothing but stressful. Given the state of the property market there are huge amounts of people needing to rent, and a such whenever a nice property becomes available about six million people want to view it that day, and invariably one of them will take it. But finally after lots of frustration and a fair dose of patience we managed to find a place which is only a 10 minute drive to the staff car park at Gatwick. I appreciate that doesn't sound terribly important, but given ill need to then catch a bus from the car park to the crew room (Gatwick is rather large!) anywhere I can cut a few minutes and save myself an even earlier alarm is welcomed!
I then had a nice family party as my Mum's cousin celebrated her 50th birthday. It was great to be able to go, because working shifts for so many years has led to me missing quite a few family gatherings. I suppose that's one of the inevitabilities of working in aviation, that sometimes social plans just don't have a chance as work is the driving force.

Finally this week one of the much loved teachers from my secondary school is retiring this week, and I had the chance to pop up and be part of a surprise farewell party. She was mine and my sisters swimming coach so we both spent a lot of time under her care, and it was wonderful to be part of her big goodbye. What made the day even more exciting was that so many of my old coaches and Masters were there so I was able to catch up with some of the people who played a big part in making me the man I am today, 10 years after I left a school I really loved.