Loving the fact this chap made a reappearance!
Finally after what feels like an absolute age, the results of my second module exams arrived and with 7 passes, I am definitely departing to New Zealand on Wednesday! Together with the results from module one, I leave ground-school with an average of 95%, so hopefully I've given myself a nice foundation for the next stage. Annoyingly I let myself down in the mass and balance exam with 87% which pulled down the entire average, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy to be finished!
Given I've got 20 weeks out of the country, I've made my best efforts to catch up with friends and family. On Saturday I went over to my first ever rugby club to watch two of my friends play and enjoy a cheeky Guinness. As luck would have it a third friend was called in at short notice to play, and a fourth also had turned up to enjoy the game with his girlfriend so a good catch up was had by all.

The Qatar boys went out on Wednesday to Hamilton and have already posted pictures of themselves enjoying the sunshine and a spot of kayaking, so I'm salivating at the thought of getting going. By next weeks update ill be on the right side of two days travel, but at least that means I will finally have had a spin on the A380, and I fully intend to get a picture of myself from the flight deck.
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