Tuesday 23 December 2014

Week 65: Welcome to the A320 type rating

As some of you will know, even though I have been flying the Airbus since October, the actual systems operation has been dumbed down and we havent really explored the complexities of the aircraft. This is so that we gain experience handling a medium sized jet, without having to think too deeply about what makes it tick. Now that we have completed the basic course, we have officially commenced the A320 type rating course, starting with the technical ground school which I have now completed 5 days of. This has included many systems on the aircraft, including fuel, powerplant, electrics, pneumatics and landing gear. We go through the subjects at a fairly brisk pace as we are not learning how the systems work (that was the point of six months ATPL groundschool), but are learning how they operate and any peculiarities with the A320. Given the aircraft is drive  by 7 computers there are a few, but in keeping with the rest of the course the workload is tough, but manageable.

We have also this week been allocated our bases for when we commence flying with easyJet! These included Gatwick, Luton, Stansted, Glasgow and Edinburgh, with two pilots required at each. Naturally there was a little bit of friction deciding who went where as for starters no-one actually wanted to go to either Scottish base, but as people considered their options and where they were in terms of seniority (a terribly dark subject!), decisions were made. I'm happy to say that in early April I will be starting my flying at Gatwick, easyJet's largest base, which has worked out really well as Alice is to start work with British Airways 2 months earlier also a Gatwick. It also means I can continue in my position as a gliding instructor at my beloved RAF Kenley, so i'm very chuffed and know just how lucky i've been to get what I wanted. 

For now I have a few days off to celebrate Christmas (which will inevitably include a bit of study), so i'm zooming up to visit Alice's parents tonight, over to my parents tomorrow, then back down to Southampton via Alice's Aunts on boxing day as I have lectures at 0900 on the 27th. From now I have 13 weeks until induction (it was pushed back a week as i'm going to Gatwick), which I have no doubts will absolutely fly by. Have a great Christmas one and all, hope Santa's good!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kieran,

    You have to choose the base by yourself ? How does it work ?

    Thank you,

