Monday 17 March 2014

Week 25: The end of part one of the Southampton Chapter

As I write, I find myself back in my beloved Essex where I am staying with my parents, nicely relaxed and enjoying a couple of weeks off. That said, my first week off started with plenty of excitement, keeping up with the general theme of my journey through training being anything but dull!

On Tuesday I had my ground-school closing interview with the head of Theoretical training Kevin Maloney, marking what will hopefully be the end of my ATPL studies (results to follow this Friday!). Following my interview I joined my easyJet MPL collegues for a group session with one of the training directors from Luton. It was an enjoyable session as the chap was nothing but honest about which direction our training would take us, and it was also quite pleasant to hear that the company are taking the MPL very seriously, our existence even known by CEO Carolyn McCall. Tuesday also marked my last day sharing a flat with three of my course-mates Andy, Adam and Ashton; I can honestly say the three of them have made the last 5 months of training an absolute pleasure, and it's a shame we won't be sharing as a group of four again. I hope that any of you joining the course are as lucky to get housemates that you can muddle through the tough times as well as enjoy the good!

Unfortunately for me, I couldn't disappear home after we finished on Tuesday as I had a wisdom tooth extraction booked for Wednesday, and therefore needed to hang about. Annoyingly the surgery was cancelled at 10.30am due to an x-ray machine breaking, but after going to talk to the clinical manager and explaining how vital the surgery was before heading to Hamilton, I was able to get the x-ray sorted in a different department and get the tooth pulled that afternoon. Asides from feeling the pain halfway through and needing a top-up of anesthetic, the procedure was fairly straightforward and I avoided the dreaded facial bruising which is so common! Phew

Finally (and because I hadn't been for years) today I visited the Imperial War Museum at Duxford. For those of you that have never been it has an incredible collection of aircraft from the awesome Spitfire right up to one of the Concorde flying test-beds. At 28 years old I can't help turning into the worlds biggest child, and any of you living anywhere near Cambridge I advise you enjoy a day up there. And if your partner's not into being dragged around a museum full of aircraft, the amount of walking's good for anyone!

So I find myself with a little over a week until I leave for the other side of the world, and also 4 days until I find out how I performed in my last 7 ATPL exams. Still with plenty of people to catch up with before I disappear, this week will be busy I'm sure!

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