Sunday 22 December 2013

Week 13: Pressing on and results

During week 13 we continued with General Navigation, finishing up the first of our module two subjects on Friday. In a similar vain to to the first week there were a few more concepts to get our heads around, but again thanks to our instructor Steve everyone seems to be fairly confident of the subject material. However, as engaging as he is, nothing could prevent the inevitable constant email checking on Friday, the first day exam result could be expected!

Basically to cover themselves the CAA (Civil aviation authority) who conduct the exams stipulate the results will be posted a minimum of 10 working days from the final exam, and there is no allowance to collect in person as it would be unfair to those with a "geographic disadvantage". Therefore we were reliant on the Royal Mail bringing their 'A' game, and the millions of Christmas cards not slowing Postman Pat down........and for the patient we were rewarded with our results at 1430 on Friday. I am very chuffed to say I got an average of 96% across my seven exams, and many of my course mates received similar scores proving that hard work pays off. Now about the next seven.....

In addition, for those on the easyJet MPL course (EZM03) we also found out that following our exams we'll be visited by our liaison pilot prior to heading off to New Zealand, and on our return we'll also have the opportunity to tour headquarters up at London Luton, gently bringing us under the bright orange banner. This may seem something of a non-event, but given the monotony of ground school it's very easy to lose sight of the end goal, so a chance to visit my 'office' for the next 30 years can't be bad!

Finally, today I actually had lectures (yes on Sunday) for our first day of Radio Navigation. As horrid as it was to have a one day weekend, our new lecturer Caroline kindly offered to teach today and tomorrow so we get Tuesday (Christmas Eve) off. Unanimously the class thought this was a brilliant idea, so tomorrow afternoon ill be heading straight to my parents for six days off to celebrate Christmas. I intend to eat too much, catch up with friends, and probably enjoy a few jars at the pub, leaving me only to say Merry Christmas and I hope Santa's good!  

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